IOHS to-do (18 items)

Last updated: almost 11 years ago

To Do (0 left)

  • Instead of courses -> put Enroll -> subtab (Highschool, Adult Ed, Arabic, Weekend School)
  • (holy cross link) within these sub tabs theres application form, registration, fees
  • Remove Islam sub tabs except 5 Pillars, Misconceptions, Islam's Sects
  • ** Do a spell Check
  • Created a Password/Username for Mamoon
  • Email Address username/passwords
  • remove 002 and put main folder
  • Staff - remove sub tabs under the tabs - remove consultants
  • add social buttons at the bttom
  • Directors -> Hanan - Vice President Malik - President Bel Qeest - Member at Large VuTran - Treasurer Shaziah Khan - Administrative Assistants
  • Remove -> Admninistrators -> put -> Advisory Board
  • Change the phone number on top - Malik's +1 his number
  • Update FAQ
  • Add Registration Info for Adult Ed, Arabic, Weekend, HS
  • add 5 pillars of islam
  • misconceptions islam
  • sects in islam