(owned by Amanda)
Bucket List (38 items)
Last updated: over 11 years ago
To Do (36 left)
Solve a Rubik's Cube
Make a snow angel
Have a pet owl
Jump off a waterfall
Watch a meteor shower
Get a tattoo
Visit every Continent
Paint roses red
Have my own star
Go skydiving
Yell at the top of a mountain
Take part in a flashmob
See the Northern Lights
Stay at an underwater hotel
Paint the sunrise
Meet JK Rowling
Go camping for a week with friends
Visit the 9 3/4 Platform
Go bungee jumping.
Send a message in a bottle
Kiss someone random on New Year's
Throw a dart at a map and go wherever it lands
Own a hedgehog
Tie messages to balloons and let them go
Go skiing
Jump off a cliff into water
Walk on a frozen lake
Fall deeply in love -- helplessly and unconditionally.
Go on an African Safari
Go to the Olympics
Visit the wreckage of the Titanic
Go on a firewalk
Ride the 10 largest roller coasters in the world
Go skinny dipping at least once.
Have my portrait painted.
Tell someone the story of my life, sparing no details.
Teach someone illiterate to read.
Experience weightlessness.