(owned by Amanda)
Quotes (168 items)
Last updated: about 11 years ago
To Do (168 left)
If you let yourself love a wild thing, you'll end up looking at the sky.
The sea is just a wetter version of the sky.
I fall in love with words, not people.
When you walk up to opportunity's door, don't knock it... kick that bitch in, smile and introduce yourself.
That level of perfection has to be violated.
There are a million ways to bleed, but you are by far my favourite.
I am only responsible for my own heart, you offered yours up for the smashing, my darling. Only a fool would give out such a vital organ.
Growing up means watching your heroes turn human in front of you.
Remind me of the time when you promised to let yourself drown in my love. But while the waves were pulling you closer to me, you decided to swim and got back to the land where I will never belong.
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
The truth never set me free, so I did it myself.
Free your mind, and your ass will follow.
Half of my heart is part of a man who never truly loved anything.
One by one, I drowned all the people I'd been.
The person who says nothing is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it.
The tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness, and struggle to reach the light.
We are crooked souls trying to stay up straight.
I learned that strength is something you choose.
Science is the poetry of reality.
Old paper is the smell of time itself.
If you kiss her mind, her body will follow.
You're like the ocean. Pretty enough on the surface, but dive deep down into your depths and you'll find beauty most people never see.
Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.
If you change yourself, you've already started to change the world.
I'm mostly delusional and live in a half imaginary world but I am also a realist to the core. I'm just a bunch of contradictions. Most of the time I don't like it, but I also do.
You cannot hold on to anything that wants to go. Do you understand what I'm saying? You just got to love it while you got it and that's that.
You write so beautifully, the inside of your head must be a terrifying place.
Average. It was the worst, most disgusting word in the english language. Nothing meaningful or worthwhile ever came from that word.
All monsters are human.
I packed the passenger seat with the weight I couldn't carry on my shoulders. I have no room left for you.
She says she doesn't care, but her eyes tell a different story.
By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower.
I think the reason why you understand someone's pain is because you're someone who has experienced the same kind of pain.
You don't drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there.
You're emotionally colorblind.
When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire.
There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
Rock bottom became a solid foundation in which I rebuilt my life.
Raise your words, not your voice. It's rain that grows flowers, not thunder.
The one that got away gets away. The bad patch smooths.
It is so hard to leave - until you leave. Then it's the easiest goddamned thing in the world.
Some people feel like they don't deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces trying to close the gaps of the past.
Life's all about finding people who are your kind of crazy.
Life kicks you around sometimes. It scares you and it beats you up. But there's one day you realize you're not just a survivor. You're a fighter. You're tougher than anything life throws your way. And you are.
There comes a moment in each of our lives when the control that keeps us sane slips through our fingers. Most of us aim to sieze it back. The best way to fight chaos is with chaos. Except that chaos, by its own definition, cannot be controlled. Once intro
The older we get, the better we used to be.
Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.
The best way to get approval is not to need it.
You were burning bridges that you didn't even know existed.
Art should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed.
Beauty is terror. Whatever we call beautiful, que quiver before it.
According to astronomy, when you wish upon a star, you're actually a few million years late. The star is dead. Just like your dreams.
I'm just a could've been, would've been, should've been, never was and never will be.
As long as my hair isn't messier than my life, it's okay.
The person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger.
I want to be like water. I want to slip through fingers, but hold up a ship.
The past beats inside me like a second heart.
Here is the lonely hum in my brain where your name used to be.
You think I'm a hero? I'm not a hero. And if you're smart, that scares you. Because I have nothing to lose.
We shouldn't invest too much time feeling anything other than fearless.
I'd rather have my eyes red for smoking pot, than for crying over someone like you.
Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go, they merely determine where you start.
She's like a thousand thunderstorms.
Heaven can be found in the most unlikely corners.
This is your world. Shape it or someone else will.
You're not supposed to look back. You're supposed to keep going.
I thought "oh, well" in regards to my entire life.
Being aware of your crap and actually overcoming your crap are two very different things.
Sometimes plan, but sometimes wing it.
You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy.
So I'll swallow my words and hope that I choke because anything is easier than saying goodbye.
And although my heart is still beating, I've already cut the life support in my own emotions.
That wasn't sex. That was naked poetry.
What if tattooes just randomly appeared on our skin at key points in our lives and we had to figure out what they meant for ourselves.
Everything I've loved has either ruined me or watched me as I ruined it instead.
But you're not living, you're just waiting for things to go bad again.
Understand that your soul is not bound by a three-dimensional earthly existence.
If you don't think this world is horrible, then you haven't seen enough of it.
I have this problem where I can't differentiate between how I feel and what I think. I get lost amidst thoughts and feelings and can't tell which is which.
My soul is in the sky.
You're wearing your skin like it's too tight.
Sometimes, I question my perception of my own mental health.
Heroes don't exist, and if they did, I wouldn't be one of them.
Have you ever wanted something so badly, but you just know that you're not gonna get it?
The monsters under my bed are still afraid of those inside my head.
When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.
If the ocean can calm itself, so can you. We are both salt water mixed with air.
In spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.
I feel like I've swallowed a cloudy sky.
I stopped fighting my inner demons. We're on the same side now.
The stars are yours if you have the head, the hands and the heart for them.
There are seven days in a week, and someday isn't one of them.
The only people who see the whole picture are the ones who step out of the frame.
There was a reviewer who wrote that my pictures didn't have any beginning or any end. He didn't mean it as a compliment, but it was.
People are more what they hide than what they show.
If you're thinking like everybody else, you're not thinking.
Be scared to death, but take the next step anyway.
When people undermine your dreams, predict your doom, or criticize you, remember: they're telling you their story, not yours.
You scare the shit out of people, and they don't see how scared you are.
Your skin smells like light. I think you are the moon.
I think it's intoxicating when someone is so unapologetically who they are.
To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.
Don't marry rich. Be rich.
Being against evil doesn't make you good.
It may be the wrong decision, but fuck it. It's mine.
Where is home if the only thing I've ever tried to escape is... home.
We're all kind of weird and twisted and drowning.
Don't be afraid to be open-minded. Your brain isn't going to fall out.
I've fallen in and out of love with the loneliness I've traced and I can't wait to start again.
People change but they don't change.
It's the part that comes after that matters. The part where you make it right.
She'd hardcore. She's got ice inside her veins. She does what she has to do to get through it.
We're all scared. If you're not scared, you're not paying attention.
I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke.
You are my heaven, but maybe I am your hell.
If you don't like where you are, move. You are not a tree.
She is made up of words that not everyone can understand.
And maybe we have to break everything to make something better out of ourselves.
She's mad, but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire.
People get what they get, it has nothing to do with what they deserve.
I try not to think. It interferes with being nuts.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which.
It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish.
The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery.
People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character.
I have found power in the mysteries of thought.
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
A man can stand anything except a succession of ordinary days.
Your dream doesn't have an expiration date. Take a breath and try again.
Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.
You are the past tense, you are the comma. I loved you. I loved you, but.
Everyone is broken. If you continue to wear that label, that's all you'll ever be.
Van Gogh once said that death would take us to another star.
Once in a while, it really hits people that they don't have to experience life in the way they have been told to.
They constantly told me that my first love would be a handsome boy who'd save me or a pretty girl who would love me. So I searched the world for another, never knowing that my first love should have been me.
Laughter is the sun that drives winter away from the human face.
An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.
Work, which makes a man free, and thought, which makes him worthy of freedom.
The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.
It's better to be a pirate than to join the Navy.
He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man.
Those who do not feel seldom think that it is felt.
I hate mankind, for I think of myself as one of the best, and I know how bad I am.
Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine, or idealism.
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.
Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look at the world straight in the eye.
I hope you will go out and let stories happen to you, and that you will work them, water them with your blood and tears and your laughter till they bloom, till you yourself burst into bloom.
Everything about you is somebody else.
I hope you fall in love with someone who makes you question why you ever thought you would be better off alone.
Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjustive.
I figured if a girl wants to be a legend, she should go ahead and be one.
I think it's of the human mind to be fascinated by our fears.
In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
I believed I wanted to be a poet, but deep down, I just wanted to be a poem.
Some people reflect life, others deflect it. But you, for some reason, seem to collect it.
After everything I've been through, I'm still smiling - Not because I'm strong, but because I'm fucking crazy. Now that should scare you.
The skyline was beautiful on fire.
When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a good look: you must likely turned you back on the world.
I want to keep smashing myself until I am whole.
Whatever your past has been, you have a spotless future.
Because a heart that hurts is a heart that works.
Do magic: enter her heart without touching her.
There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen.
If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose.
Life is as kind as you let it be.