Project Deadlines (11 items)

Last updated: almost 11 years ago

To Do (11 left)

  • October 7 - Take Home Examination
  • October 7 - Softcopy of Movie Poster (Photoshop)
  • October 7-11 (not sure) - Chapters 1-3 (Research)
  • October 11 - Program in Free Elective
  • October 9 - Final Paper in Philosophy
  • Before Finals - Program in Automata
  • October 9 - Finals in Automata (Cover to cover)
  • October 10 - Finals in Psychology
  • October 10 - Finals in Computer Organization (Addressing modes to Present)
  • October 11 - Manga/Anime (Photoshop)
  • October 15 - Program in FoxPro