Things I Hate (61 items)

Last updated: over 11 years ago

To Do (61 left)

  • people who wear snapbacks.
  • The piece of skin that hangs off next to your finger nail.
  • any pop-punk band post 2008
  • The Hunger Games.
  • serious selfies.
  • Instagrams full of selfies.
  • Instagram
  • Couples who sit on the same side of the table at restaurants.
  • People who pretend to be thick because they think it's cool. Guess what. it's not.
  • People who put kisses on the end of tweets or statuses.
  • birds.
  • People who talk loudly on the bus. Idc who you're bucking this week so pipe the fuck down.
  • boys who overuse the the term 'friend zone.'
  • girls who have slugs above their eyes.
  • Coldplay.
  • Chocolate chip cookies that turn out to be raisins.
  • Fandoms. idc if its One Direction or Harry Potter you're both annoying and should grow the fuck up.
  • fan-fiction.
  • People who think the word ignorance means to ignore. Read a bloody dictionary.
  • People who idolize people fro Geordie Shore. I watch it to see idiots embarrass themselves.
  • If you wear shades indoors your douche level goes up.
  • People who think Death Metal isn't music but listen to Nicki Minaj.
  • People who think Nicki Minaj isn't music but listen to Death Metal.
  • Girls who only like a band because the lead singer is attractive. It should be down to music not looks.
  • Lads who treat girls like targets for sex instead of normal people.
  • People who brag about smoking weed.
  • Townies.
  • Slow internet.
  • People who claim their favourite band is Nirvana or The Beatles but they only know one of their songs.
  • First years in College. Nothing personal.
  • Cats.
  • People who claim to be huge music fans but refuse to listen to anything other than Pop.
  • Girls who think One Direction are the greatest musicians of all time because they don't take any other artist into account.
  • Films with Jennifer Aniston in.
  • Kim Kardashian and her money whore family. Did you know she's rich and famous because of a sex tape?
  • People who complain about offensive content online. WELCOME TO THE INTERNET.
  • Seedy Lads who always inbox lasses
  • Lasses who complain about creepy lads talking to them over Facebook when they upload photos whoreing themselves out.
  • Lads who think commenting 'wow' on a girl's photo will get them laid
  • Facebook famous.
  • Twitter famous.
  • Tumblr famous.
  • People who go out and party every weekend and have loads of friends who still complain about how their life is shit.
  • People who claim to have 'khdhyfejsjfhfdjsphobia' cos they think they can't trust people. nar mate.
  • Captions on photos like 'no make-up'
  • Captions on photos that are lyrics to a shitty dance song.
  • Westboro Baptist Church.
  • People who wear hats in the summer.
  • kids when they're not on a leash.
  • People who call David Cameron a twat even though they know fuck all about Politics and our Economy.
  • David Cameron.
  • People who think they're nerds for watching The Big Bang Theory.
  • The Big Bang Theory post Season 4
  • People who pretend to like Star Wars.
  • Rihanna. Extremely overrated.
  • Lads who hate The Bieber cos he can't sing. He can sing. you are jealous.
  • The Bieber thinking he's 'gangsta.'
  • People who wear Joy Division T-Shirts eve though they haven't heard one song by them.
  • People who say life is so hard and unbearable and say their done with life but they're not depressed they're just fishing for attention.
  • X Factor. Artists should have to work their way from the bottom to be famous.
  • Last but least, Axl Rose.