Westcliff residents  (27 items)

Last updated: almost 11 years ago

To Do (27 left)

  • Counted piles of dog poo
  • photographed graffiti in Thomson passage - work completed
  • FOI-ed TDC re sweepers
  • contacted KCC re 37 Chapel Place - answered, in private ownership
  • reported abandoned vehicle, Chapel Place
  • contacted TDC re defacement removal notice - answered, do not take action without complaint
  • contacted councillor re defacement removal notice - answered, useless
  • contacted probation re community project
  • contacted TDC re trading on prohibited streets - answered apparently not trading as not selling something tanglible
  • reported abandoned vehicle, Cavendish st
  • engaged with @thanetcouncil, made reports
  • asked KCC regarding permission to trade on the street - answer nothing to do with them, guv
  • reported abandoned vehicles, traffic lights of Chatham st - replied it was not abandoned. took closer look
  • observed environmental health inspecting rat infection
  • discussed with thanet gazette re street trading
  • engage with actions regarding illegal demolition in High St
  • made official complaint regarding demolition of 79-85 High Street
  • met with councillor to discuss 79-85 High Street
  • contacted Royal Mail re graffiti on postboxes
  • conducted another dog poo survey and told TDC results
  • reported graffiti in Cavendish Road
  • reported errors on TDC website re: household waste collection
  • contacted KCC highways re: graffiti on road signs
  • reported phonebox graffiti to BT - Ellington Rd & Southeastern
  • contacted KCC highways re: sign legs outside Register Office, Ellington Rd
  • praised TDC for work on Tomson Passage
  • another dogpoo survey, discussed with TDC