Lil' Buddy's Closing Routine (25 items)

Last updated: almost 11 years ago

To Do (25 left)

  • Clean Popcorn Warmer
  • Turn off open signs
  • Turn off popcorn warmer
  • Turn off slushie machine
  • Turn off mac/chili warmer
  • Turn off hot dog machine
  • Turn of popcorn machines
  • Close popcorn tubs
  • Throw out mac & cheese
  • Put away chili
  • Put hot dog condiments and buns in fridge
  • Do miscellaneous dishes
  • Empty water from hot dog machine
  • Till
  • Hot dog dishes
  • Rinse hot dog machine
  • Mac & Cheese and Chili dishes
  • Put all dishes back/away
  • Lock ALL windows (Don't forget the one in lee's office)
  • Sweep
  • Vacuum
  • Fill out your timecard
  • Get your tips:)
  • Turn off lights/radio
  • Remember to lock the door behind you!