(owned by Tiffany)
Chore list (85 items)
Last updated: over 10 years ago
To Do (85 left)
Pick up Sitting Room
dust ceiling light
dust corners for cobwebs
clean door handles and frames
dust pictures, windows/sills and mantle
dust knick knacks and tables
Pick up living room
dust corners/cobwebs
dust ceiling light
clean door handles and frames
dust pictures, windows/sill and mantle
dust knick knacks
organize master bedroom
dust light fixtures and corner cobwebs
dust pictures windows/sill and mantle
dust knickknacks and table/s
clean door handles and frames
Pick up dining room
clean door frames
dust light fixture and corner cobwebs
dust pictures, window/sill and mantle
dust knick knacks/ and tables
pick up the hall way
dust lights and corners, cobwebs
dust pictures and stair case
vacuum floor and steps
breakfast nook pick up
dust light corner cobwebs
clean door frames and windows
clean table
sweep and mop
Kitchen- do dishes
dust the light and cobwebs
clean door frames and handles
dust pictures and windows/sills
cleancounters and sink
clean stove oven
clean microwave
wipe down cabinet front and appliances
sweep and mop
pick up laundry room
dust corner cobwebs
clean door handles
dust blinds and windows
sweep and mop
Bathroom---dust ceiling/lights/ corners
clean door handles and frames
dust windows
clean mirror
clean and sanitize counters and sink
wipe down cabinet fronts
clean sanitize toilet
clean and sanitize shower, shower door and tub
Organize School room
ust corner cobwebs
clean windows
Upper bathroom- dust celing lights and corners
clean door handles and frames
dust windows
clean mirrors
clean and sanitize counter and sink
clean toilet
clean bathtub
sweep and mop floor
Our bedroom- pick up
organize boxes
dust cobwebs in corners
clean windows
make bed
Cerie's room pick up/ organize
dust cobwebs
dust light fixture
clean door frame and knobs
clean windows
devin's room, finish organizing
dust cob webs
clean windows
clean oor frame and knobs
sweep and mop