(owned by cassie)
Christmas List (44 items)
Last updated: over 11 years ago
To Do (44 left)
Teal fuzzy North Face Medium
Ugg bailey bows; 7
Sweaters; xs, s
Ipad Mini cases
Gift Cards; starbucks, amazon, maurices, hollister, american eagle, aeropostale, victoria secret pink, tillys, peach wave, juice stop, target, kohls, buckle, scheels, dicks, jcpenny, walmart, rue 21, wet seal
V-neck tees
Hollister skinny jeans; 1
Hollister boot cut; 1 short
Bath and body works perfume
5 subject notebooks
Neutral colored eyeshadow
Movies; Safe Haven, The Heat, Identity Thief, Despicable Me 2
Books; Fault In Our Stars or amazon gift card
Nail Polish
Plain Canvases
USD clothing
Under Armour pants
Bears clothing
Itunes gift cards
Movie theater gift cards
North Face pullover
Coloring Books
Colored pencils
Ipad mini dock
EOS lip balm
Fuzzy socks
Fuzzy blanket
Small soft earbuds
Wild Water West pass
Gordmans gift card
Cross necklace
Pandora braclet
Sparkle headbands
Silver sequin boots from Delias; size 7
Sketch pad
Mechanical pencils (nice ones)