(owned by Nina)
Why I Love You... 2.0 (51 items)
Last updated: over 11 years ago
To Do (51 left)
Your way with words... I love the sweet things you say to me :)
I feel safe with you
You're the hottest guy I've ever been with and I think your body is just incredible. Whenever I see another guy, noone compares to you! <3
Your hair :P I love playing with it... I love running my hands through it (even if it annoys you sometimes! Sorry)
Your teeth! Perfect...
Your laugh and smile.... Your genuine laugh is rare and I love hearing it
FAVWITE BIT <3 <3 <3
Your legs :O I sound like a man, but omg your legs are hotttt. Mooselay-ey
Your mooselays as well, OBV :O
The way you look at me... I feel loved when you look at me. Noones ever looked at me the way you do. It's like in films when girls say "the way you looked at her" I never understood that until you came along.
Your ass........ :O :O :O <3
The way you hold me... I don't even know how to describe the way it feels.
Omg, how could I forget!! DAT SEXXX!!!! <3 <3 doesn't need describing...
The way you like to be little spoon.... I like being both actually. I love holding you :) I get to feel favwite bit! <3 Can't complain about that!
Your eyes, omg... Could get lost in them <3
Oh and your eyelashes!! So long, well jel
The way you are intelligent. I like that in a man :) (Even if you do start annoying debates at dinner!)
We are sooooo similar...
You love chocolate!!!!!!
You introduced me properly to Nando's :P
YO Sushi! Our thing :P
The way you surprise me with little gifts when you arrive at my house :)
You like taking selfies too :P
You let me play with you (not in that way :L) Like randomly play with your ear and make ear sandwiches (lol)
Da Tickle! So annoying but cute :)
The way you let me be in control in bed.... so fucking hot watching you squirm
Also, when you are in control... it's sexy (in bed lol)
The way you play with Lenny and Sausage puppy and send me snapchats of them :)
The way you make me laugh when you say silly things
The way we replace Ls with Ws :P "Hewwo" and "Fwuffy"
YOU LIVE IN LONDON! The best place on Earth!
Oh.My.God. Your kisses........
Have to mention that again because they just make me melt.....
The way you make me soooo happy that I can't walk Looool. Boner for females
When you wear trackies and sit like a slut <3 :O #hot #bulge
The way you give in and let me watch stuff I like :)
LBA!!! Oh em gee. <3 Amazing... Massive.... The things you do with him :O
Your tongue lol. So sensual and soft lol
The way you come shopping with me, even though you're bored out of your brain lol
You like Mean Girls!!!
You're moving in with me!!!!! <3
You have soft bits everywhere hehe, like above your bum, just above your hip and your earlobe hehe
And lots of hard bits, but I have one favourite! ;)
I love that we were in Obertauern at the same time! how weird was that
The way you play with my buttons.... Omg, buttons :P
Our first Valentine's Day :) You made it perfect for me <3 Puppy, Loch Fyne!, Naughty times, etc :)
That day you surprised me with those vouchers and me hunting round your flat and finding you in bed... omg. Love you :)
Da Coodle!!!
The dog impressions you do :P :) *sniff sniff SNIFF*
I know this ruins the whole 50 thing, but the way your body feels when you hug me. It's just the most amazing feeling and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world, even if its just for a second while you say goodbye to me before you leave....