(owned by BriarRose187)
Gift list (19 items)
Last updated: about 11 years ago
To Do (19 left)
Steering wheel cover (?)
Short black boots (2-4 inch heel, NOT stilleto)
Ugg type Boots (any color but white/tan/brown, shorter, not the way short
Silly socks
DS or DS3D
Vacuum Bags
Dog tags for Deamon and Pyka
Cartilage piercings at Chroma Tattoo? (I want to add to my left side, and one or two on my right)
Queen size sheets in black, cobalt blue or white
M: Passes to Jungle Java
M: Time/rides at Mayberry State Park Stables?
Laptop ( I want to get rid of my netbooks for a decent lap or Ultra book)
Digital Camera? Aron stole mine when we moved.
Nike Fuel band?
More Guardian Angel Spray! OR Rusk Wired!
David Tennet's (the 10th Doctor) Sonic Screwdriver.
Land o Lakes Hot Cocoa! Anything but Carmel