(owned by Alex)
Alex's christmas list 2014 (16 items)
Last updated: over 10 years ago
To Do (16 left)
XL sweatshirts
Tom Brady jersey
Gronkowski jersey
4 foot sheetrock square
Drill Bits
Fire Popcorn maker like Tyler's
portable grill so I don't keep stealing dad's
itunes giftcards
amazon gift cards ( I turned geek, thanks Tyler)
meat grinder and sausage stuffer
Camping flashlights
Foldable white table
air mattress
Leatherman multitool with belt clip
Patriots Gloves- http://store.nike.com/us/en_us/pd/vapor-jet-3-on-field-patriots-football-gloves/pid-1475001?srccode=cii_17588969&cpncode=41-6540554-2&cp=usns_brps_111214_GPLA_nflcm