GRE words I (40 items)

Last updated: about 15 years ago

To Do (22 left)

  • moot - subject to debate
  • scaremongering - person spreading frightening rumors
  • destitute - w/o basic necessities of life
  • riff - a short repeated phrase
  • acrimony - bitterness
  • virulent - extremely harmful/ bitterly hostile
  • flabbergasted - surprise
  • shrill - high pitched and piercing
  • dissemble - conceal one's true motive
  • chant - repeated rhythmic phrase
  • asinine - extremely stupid
  • redress - remedy
  • vicinity
  • riffraff - rabble, common people
  • riveting - fascinating, interesting
  • jeer (rude remark): derision
  • reprimand: censure
  • humility: supplicant
  • barter (exchange): commodities (useful, valuable time)
  • parry: question
  • hurl - throw with great forse
  • shirk - avoid or neglect
  • consolidation - make something stronger
  • recumbent - lying down
  • contravened - violate law
  • allusive - suggesting rather than emplicit
  • endorse --display public approval
  • caret (a mark ^): insertion
  • gratuitous - uncalled for, given for free
  • inaugural - beginning of ""
  • seemly - proper, decorous
  • corroborate (confirm) opposite of deny
  • bigotry - intolerance toward those who hold diff. opinions from oneself
  • rabblerouser
  • inerrancy - cannot be wrong
  • steep (soak in water) -- oposite of parch (dry out)
  • beneficent - generous, doing good
  • endow: income - give income
  • peruse - examine carefully
  • fallow - uncultivated