(owned by Dasha)
GRE words II (48 items)
Last updated: over 13 years ago
To Do (35 left)
stilted - unnatural, stiff
ungainly - clumsy
chary (cautious) opp brash (rude, noisy)
stupefy opp bend (direct to a task)
commendation (praise) opp admonition (warn, not approve)
commend - praise, approve
sloth (lazy)
ratify (approve) opp of abrogate (repeal, void, veto)
spunk -courage, determination, wood, slang for semen(british)
apotheosis -- elevation to divine, climax
invigorate - give energy to
limber - flexible
sumptuous - expensive looking
scad - device to lift heavy objects
oust - expel, eject
snare - device to catch birds
string :beads
deadbeat - person tries to evade paying debt
glee (great delight, fun) ; chortle (laugh in gleeful way)
glower - having angry look
dwell (live, write about, linger) : denizen ( inhabitant)
mason (builder or worker in stone) : wall
mallet - hammer with large wooden head
gander (male goose), drake (male duck), sheep flock(soft material)
shoul ????
stag (male deer), wattles (material to make fences, red fleshy lobe on chicken head), hoofs(horny part of foot on animal like horse)
physician: infirmary (place, large institution for care who are ill)
crustacean-- a large group of mainly aquatic arthropods that include crabs, lobsters, shrimps, wood lice, barnacles, and many minute forms.
fortitude - courage in pain
turpitude -disgrace --moral turpitude
hurdle -- wooden thing one has to jump over
celerity - quickness of movement
shale - finely stratified rock
reef (ridge of jagged rock below the surface of the sea): astrologue
awl (small pointed thing to pierce holes in leather) : cobbler (person that makes shoes)
drawbridge --a bridge, esp. one over a castle's moat, that is hinged at one end so that it may be raised to prevent people's crossing or to allow vessels to pass under it.: castle
gangway --a raised platform or walkway providing a passage.: ship
voting: roll call --the process of calling out a list of names to establish who is present.
inflate opp of minimize
quell --put an end to, opp of foment --stir up
eddy - whirlpool (водоворот, вихрь)
demur - raise doubts : qualms (worries, boubts)
precocity- maturing early
heretofore - before now
galvanizing - shock or excite, in taking actions