Coachella 2011  (15 items)

Last updated: over 13 years ago

To Do (0 left)

  • a bunch of water (Everyone)
  • a canopy (Chris & ?)
  • Sunblock
  • Fold up Chairs (4)
  • any snacks
  • as many flasks as possible (JENNY)
  • boxes of wine
  • baby wipes (are a MUST!)
  • toilet paper
  • LOUD wireless speakers/radio (WITH Batteries)
  • 5 hour energy :)///crack lol
  • musical instruments
  • CASH (ATM's run out of money or there's a huge line)
  • Simpler Times (we should recycle a 30 pack box and put them in there)
  • some kind of giant flag (to find the campsite easier)