Things that make me happy (49 items)

Last updated: over 13 years ago

To Do (49 left)

  • How it smells outside in spring and autumn
  • Sunshine on your skin on a cool day, when the wind stops for just a second and your comepletly warm.
  • When someone sincerely smiles at me
  • The couple seconds when your surfing that you are finally on top of the wave
  • sand
  • A lonnggg book
  • Summer
  • 50˚ days at the end of winter, where everyone wears short sleeves and light jackets.
  • clean sheets straight from the dryer
  • cats that sleep in laundry :)
  • listening to "Put your records on"
  • talking to a sweet guy
  • realizing your favorite show is on
  • walking barefoot in the spring
  • red panda's
  • things going right
  • when a plan comes together :)
  • ginger hair
  • when your favorite song comes on the radio, and you know it will be ok.
  • love stories (with happy endings)
  • finishing a paragraph effortlessly
  • whn your makeup turns out perfect
  • puffy clouds in the middle of summer
  • sunsets on the 4th of July at the beach
  • heat lightning in the dark
  • summer camp
  • blue hair
  • high heels
  • finishing a great book
  • meeting someone you knew a long time ago
  • remembering your dream out of nowhere
  • saying Viva la Vida, and que sara, sara
  • listening to the coldplay song, Viva La Vida
  • Getting a text meassage that just says "good morning"
  • being wide awake and sitting on the front porch at dawn
  • eating fish-less sushi
  • laughing hysterically at nothing at all with friends
  • staying up all night just to watch the sunrise
  • meeting someone and knowing immediatly that they will be your best friend
  • inside jokes
  • sleeping cats
  • heat in the winter
  • long, hot showers
  • slow dancing
  • getting 100% on a hard test
  • Writing.
  • Reading
  • Writing to an author and getting an answer
  • Love