(owned by Lisa)
Using Social Media Effectively (8 items)
Last updated: about 12 years ago
To Do (8 left)
What is allowed in your school concerning Social Media?
Do I need to obtain a supervisors approval before creating a Professional Social Media presence?
Do I set up a team of educators and representatives who are willing to participate in the teaching of Social Media?
What is the main goal of Social Media within the school? Is it benefical for the students to have certain technilogical tools for their learning?
Do we need to set up a guidline or have policies in place legally for that particular school? State policies, and current legalities? Make sure your school attorney is involved?
Do we need to have a draft set up for public awareness and questions concerning Social Media use in the classroom?
How do we introduce Social Media use in the classroom to our community, parents, other teachers, and facilitators?
Do we set up a group to engage the community for positive and negative feedback? Can we hold meetings at the school to explain our intent?