(owned by silvia)
During course duties - Pedagogical role (36 items)
Last updated: over 11 years ago
To Do (36 left)
manage CPs learning
monitor participation
encourage teachers to stay on task
build a good rapport with students at all times is of paramount importance
motivate participation
moderate CP forums
check to see if any of our CP's are having problems
answer participants' questions timely
weave and summarise
help students to feel they are not in a void/vacumm
give feedback
populate and monitor the wikis
liaise and encourage
summarise and weave
encourage self reflection
provide significant and relevant feedback being facilitators
follow CP's progress and guide them towards discovering answers
get CPs involved and motivated
provide language support when needed or requested
prompt when needed
offer and show different paths towards solutions
provide guidance and support in the use of specific literature
encourage CP s participation
respond to CP queries regarding course contents
remind CPs of deadlines
keep track of the assignments that are completed by CPs
answer to all the mails you receive in 24 hs
provide CPs resources that may help them complete their tasks
create a sense of community (grouping)
play a scaffolding role
send messages/ mails to students on a regular basis
duly populate forums and wikis
monitor progress
give regular feedback on assignments
encourage reflection (ask rather than answer)
help "drowners" become "swimmers". (Salmon, 2011)