(owned by mattbcraft)
W/E List (8 items)
Last updated: almost 10 years ago
To Do (8 left)
Torus of major radius 0.75 and minor radius 0.25 //g stone (0.75-sqrt(x^2+y^2))^2+z^2 < 0.25^2
Gnarled hollow tree //g -h log (0.5+sin(atan2(x,z)*8)*0.2)*(sqrt(x*x+z*z)/0.5)^(-2)-1.2 < y
Rainbow Torus //g wool data=(32+15/2/pi*atan2(x,y))%16; (0.75-sqrt(x^2+y^2))^2+z^2 < 0.25^2
Rainbow Egg //g wool data=(32+y*16+1)%16; y^2/9+x^2/6*(1/(1-0.4*y))+z^2/6*(1/(1-0.4*y))<0.08
a heart //g wool:red (z/2)^2+x^2+(5*y/4-sqrt(abs(x)))^2<0.6
Sine wave //g -h glass sin(x*5)/2<y
Radial cosine wave //g -h glass cos(sqrt(x^2+z^2)*5)/2<y
Circular Hyperboloid //g stone -(z^2/12)+(y^2/4)-(x^2/12)>-0.03