(owned by melsalm)
Stylistic Differences (89 items)
Last updated: over 10 years ago
To Do (27 left)
Is there an introduction section?
Is there a methods section?
Are there discrete sections at all?
Does author use citations?
Does author cite in-text?
Does author follow up citations with interpretation?
Does author vary throughout paper in citing practices?
Does author cite foot notes?
Does author type out title of book referenced?
Does author accompany text with visual aids?
Does author title visual aids?
Does author provide name on first page of text?
Does author use specific fonts for subject headings?
Is author's institution provided on first page of text?
Does author use special font for title?
Is the document centered?
Is the document 'adjusted'?
Is the document designed/presented to be read (dist: heard)?
Does author switch tenses?
Does author speak predominately in present tense?
Does author switch to past tense when speaking about fieldwork and/or written texts?
1st person narrative voice?
2nd person narrative voice?
Are cited theorists introduced by full name?
Are cited theorists introduced by last name?
Are cited theorists introduced along with brief bio?
Are informants/respondents/interlocuters quoted?
Are informants named?
Are informants included in article at all?
Is theory provided?
Are quotes used?
Are quotes prefaced?
Does author follow up quotations with critique?
Does author use metaphor?
Put things in "quotations" not to quote, but to designate appropriation of terminology?
Does author use ALL CAPS?
Italicize text for emphasizing importance?
Indent block quotes?
Does author create a list of bullet points?
Does author create a list of themes?
Does author enumerate points?
Does author cite their own previous work?
Does author refer to their own previous work?
Does author switch from 3rd to 1st person before halfway point in paper?
Does author switch from 3rd to 1st person after halfway point in paper?
Does author switch perspectives at all?
Does author speak in the name of a discipline?
Is there use of superscripts?
Is there a Notes section?
Is there a References section?
Is there a Recap?
Is there a meta-text?
Mention of students?
Mention of teaching (distinct from research)?
Is there critique?
Are there noticible buzzwords or catch phrases?
Does author make puns?
Does author ask rhetorical questions?
Can I detect sense of humor in writing?
Is the paper moody?
Are there moments of irony, or hints of ironic tones?
Does author ask rhetorical questions and then attempt to answer them?
Does author provide multiple examples to illustrate a point?
Does author provide experience to demonstrate a point?
Speak in maxims?
Use short sentences to make clear points?
Does author proliferate a series of questions at the end of a paragraph?
Propose direction of future research?
Use (parentheses) often?
Does author make up their own words or concepts?
Provide definitions?
Do etymological research?
Make a call to arms? (i.e. "We need... )
Does the paper do what it says it does?
Is paper performative?
Does author cite their credentials in the text?
Does author give thanks to colleagues in paper?
Does author ever mention friends?
Work with numbers?
Conclude with a question?
Conclude by adressing the introduction?
Conclude with a judgment?
Conclude with critique?
Is this article officially published?
Is this essay intended to circulate on its own?
Is this essay part of a larger text?