(owned by Catherine)
Start of Term 2014/2015 (12 items)
Last updated: almost 9 years ago
To Do (12 left)
I have all the desk copies I need
I am using the current edition of my text
I have confirmed the ordering ISBN(s) with my Learning Solutions Consultant
I have placed my order with my bookstore (including listing the eBook option)
I've updated my course outline to indicate that the digital product (eg. Connect) is required for the course
purchasing options for my course have been posted on my Learning Management System and/or my course outline
I've posted registration instructions for my students on my LMS for the digital product I've adopted
I've received training (or have training scheduled) for the digital products I will be using this term
I know how to access instructor resources, direct students to the course site(s), create assignments, pull reports, etc.
I have my course section(s) set up in my LMS and any in other digital product I'm using (eg. Connect) for this term
I have posted support contacts on my LMS for my students: www.mheducation.ca/support 1-800-565-5758
(optional) I have scheduled an in-class presentation with my Learning Solutions Consultant so they can explain registration steps, purchasing options, and general how-to for McGraw-Hill digital products I've adopted