(owned by 148932)
Online Launch List (14 items)
Last updated: over 9 years ago
To Do (14 left)
Introduce yourself (personal and professional).
Introduce your students to each other (asynchronous or synchronous activity).
Introduce your course (overview)
Establish the tone.
Establish expectations.
Provide advice on how to succeed in the course.
Provide the best way for students to contact you.
Provide directions for technical assistance (links and/or video tutorials with your comments about your commitment to student success).
Provide directions to assure accessibility (links with your comments about your commitment to providing accessible materials and accommodations).
Post your office hours (synchronous).
Post your syllabus.
Post the content for the introduction to your course.
Post the University’s Code of Conduct (links with your comments).
Post the Policies on Academic Integrity (links with your comments).