(owned by SMCS)
Last updated: over 9 years ago
To Do (37 left)
Zippered 3-ring pencil bag/pouch
Place in the zippered pencil bag: Next 9 items:
1) Glue Stick, white
2) Small bottle Elmer’s glue
3) Small pencil sharpener
4) Short ruler
5) Large pink eraser
6) Sharp scissors that will cut paper
7) PaperMate Eraser pens, black and red
8) Yellow highlighter
9) Pencils
Box of 12 colored pencils
Notebook paper
6 large cloth textbook covers
2 boxes Kleenex
Stack rack for locker
Nice to have: 7” square caddy for locker for small items
(1) 5-subject spiral or 2 1-subject spirals for science
(3) 1-subject spirals
(4) 1 or 1½ inch 3-ring binders each with a set of 5 dividers for math, language, reading and Spanish
Note: Backpacks should be small so they will hang from the hook in the lockers or sit on top of the lockers
Religion: 2 boxes of Kleenex/Puffs tissue
Religion: 2 folders with pockets and brads
Religion: 2 Packs of Black or Blue EraserMate Pens
Spanish: 5th: 1 pack thin or thick markers (10 or 12)
Spanish: 6th: 1 pack Expo markers (mixed black and colors)
Spanish: 7th: 1 pack colored construction paper
Spanish: 8th: 1 pack colored pencils
Technology: 5th through 8th grades are STRONGLY recommended to supply their own 10-14" tablet and/or laptop computer for instructional purposes. Please consider a device that accommodates a keyboard.
Technology: Devices will be incorporated into various subjects to enhance learning. Devices will be allowed for educational purposes as warranted by the instructor and institutional policy.
Technology: See the SMCS 2015-16 Technology Assistance Guide for assistance with devices.
Technology: Headphones or earbuds for listening to audio for educational purposes. Please also consider volume limiting headphones/buds.
Technology: 8 oz. or larger hand sanitizer
Technology: 1 box of Kleenex
Technology: 1 pkg of copy/printer paper, 500 sheets
Technology: Optional: 1 to 2 gigabyte USB flash drive
P.E.: 5th through 8th grades are required to wear a P.E. uniform and athletic shoes. The PE uniform will be the same as 2014-15 and may be purchased from Taylor Sporting Goods.