(owned by Zarli)
Bedroom Cleaning (12 items)
Last updated: over 8 years ago
To Do (12 left)
dirty clothes or towels on the floor need to go into the wash
get out all dishes and put them into the kitchen
make sure the bed is made and has clean sheets
if sheets are not clean then swap them and put unclean sheets into the washing
get all school things and put them onto desk, in bag or where ever they need to go
put all rubbish into a bin bag and put straight into the bin outside
empty bins
clean under bed - repeat steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 for all items that are under the bed
make sure shoes are away
all clean clothes must be hung up or in a draw
open windows to allow fresh air in
make sure desk, night stand and any surfaces are clear and have been wiped down