(owned by SMCS)
Last updated: about 1 month ago
To Do (43 left)
(6 boxes) Kleenex/Puffs tissue: (2) Homeroom, (2) Religion, (2) Math
8th grade Girls ONLY: (1 box) Kleenex/Puffs tissues (Spanish)
Boys ONLY: (1 box) Kleenex/Puffs tissue (Technology)
Girls ONLY: (1) 8 oz. or larger hand sanitizer (Technology)
(1) Zippered 3-ring pencil bag/pouch
Place in zippered pencil bag: Next 11 items:
1) Glue Stick, white
2) Small bottle Elmer’s glue
3) Small pencil sharpener
4) Short ruler
5) Large pink eraser
6) Scissors (6-8 inch, pointed)
7) PaperMate Eraser pens - (Black)
8) PaperMate Eraser pens - (Red)
9) Yellow highlighter
10) Pencils
11) Protractor
(1 box) Colored pencils, 12 count (Homeroom)
Girls ONLY: (1 box) Colored pencils, 12 count (Library)
(24) Dixon Ticonderoga #2 pencils (Library)
(12) EraserMate Pens, Blue or Black (Religion)
6th grade ONLY: (1 pkg) Expo dry erase markers, mixed black and colors (Spanish)
7th grade ONLY: (4) Grading Pens, RED or GREEN only (Spanish)
(1 pkg) Notebook paper (Homeroom)
8th grade Boys ONLY: (1 pkg) Notebook paper (Spanish)
(1 pkg) Copy/printer paper, 500 sheets (Technology)
Boys ONLY: (1 pkg) Copy/printer paper (500 sheets) for TOPS reports & Research (Library)
(1 pkg) Post Its, any color, 3x3 (Library)
(4) 1-subject spirals
(1) 5-subject spiral OR (2) 1-subject spirals (Science)
(3) 1 or 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder (English Language Arts, Math, Spanish)
(1 pkg) 8 tabbed dividers (English Language Arts)
(2 pkgs) 5 tabbed dividers (Math, Spanish)
(4) Textbook covers (Large, cloth)
(2) Pocket folders with brads, plastic (Religion)
(2) Racks, stack racks for locker - (Internal locker dimensions: 35”L x 11”W x 12”D)
(1) 7” square caddy for small items in locker
(1) Backpack - (should be small so they will hang from the hook in the lockers or sit on top of the lockers, see dimensions above for consideration)
6th through 8th grades students will be required to wear a P.E. uniform and athletic shoes. Taylor Sporting Goods supplies shirts and athletic shorts. Refer to the SMCS website for updates.
(1) 6th through 8th grades are STRONGLY recommended to bring their own 10-14" tablet and/or laptop computer for instructional purposes: * Consider a device that accommodates a keyboard. * Devices will be incorporated into MANY subjects to enhance learning
(1) Headphones or earbuds for subject ebooks, video, and audio (w/microphone optional) * Consider volume limiting headphones/buds.
Optional: (1) USB flash drive (Size may vary, 1GB being a suggested minimum)
Do you need information about technology devices? Reference the 2017-18 Technology Assistance Guide https://goo.gl/U6yXwV